This quilt will be the death of me. I continued quilting in spite of the fact that I didn't like the way the triangle motif was turning out. See below and note how the half-diamonds at the bottom are all different sizes. Not perfect at all.
Uneven geometry. |
I kept on going as I couldn't figure out how to get them to look more uniform, but I wasn't sleeping well as my brain worried the problem. I started with a rounded triangle, the outline of the said motif. To mark the grid lines I made myself a little "ruler" from clear template plastic and marked curved lines 1/4 inch apart that follow the shape of the triangle sides.
Homemade "ruler." |
Then I marked and sewed along the marked lines. It bothered me and I don't know why I kept going. Well, yes I do: I want to finish this quilt! I puzzled and puzzled over the problem though. It is seriously ugly.
As I worked I accidentally figured it, out and will share with you how to do it right so you won't join me at the ripping table. The trick, my friends, is to make the gridlines meet on a dot at the bottom of the outlined motif. Now all the bottom triangles are of uniform shape and size. So simple.
Red circles show how lines need to come together. |
So much ripping to do! I will line up a bunch of movies on Amazon Prime to watch as I rip, but in the end the motifs will be uniform and look so much better, although still not perfect.
TIP: Remember we are all human and it is impossible to achieve perfect perfection. Don't be too hard on yourself.
Too much perfectionism? Maybe, but my inner bulldog will carry me through.
Sew some happy seams this week. I wish you all the perfection you want.