Monday, April 24, 2017

Folding it all Up

Does your fabric turn into a bird's nest by the end of a project?  I thrive on being neat and organized, but something happens when I get into creating.  The fabric seems to fly all over the place or is hurriedly squashed into an already overcrowded storage space.  I have to do something about this now that I am starting on a new project.  My stash was at least organized to the point that it was stored by color.

Before I could get started on my new quilt project I needed to assess my fabrics to see what I could use.  I came up a bit short so have to make a run to the fabric store, but in the meantime I went through 4 stash drawers and refolded every piece.  You think that's nuts?  I had those thoughts kicking around in my head too until I managed to condense two drawers into one because the fabrics are all folded the same way (more or less) and take up less space.

I got this idea from a You Tube video and adapted the process to my needs.  I store my fabric in an outdoor storage shed in stacking towers with drawers.  I label them with the appropriate color name.  It is a nuisance to go out there especially in the cold and fuss through a drawer to find the right fabric.  Using my new method I can easily see every piece of fabric in the drawer. I have decided that every time I tromp out to the shed I will bring a couple of drawers into the house and refold the fabric.  It is also a great project for getting reacquainted with my fabrics, and I have been able to weed out a few fabrics for discard.  What on earth compelled me to buy those in the first place?

So, how do I do it?  I fold the fabric so its width is almost the length of the drawer and roll it all up over my 6" wide ruler, pull the ruler out and it is ready to put away.  If there are any loose pieces of a particular fabric I lay them on the bigger piece and roll them up inside....all nice and tidy.  Anything too small to go around the ruler (very few) I fold into squares that slip down in the front of the drawer.  I draw the line at ironing out the wrinkles.  That would really be nuts!  I am not obsessive-compulsive.

Folded.  It is a bit uneven but is a cut, used piece.  Unlike a show quilt it can be
somewhat imperfect, but close.
The only trouble I have encountered is that if the drawer is not reasonably full, the fabric tends to wilt and fall down.

Not quite full.
I can add another color or category to that drawer, or I can lay the fabric down neatly and lift the folded edges of the stack to see what I have.  I could also buy more fabric!  Lots of options.  Since some of my drawers are above my head and I have to stand on a stool to see in them I find that positioning my fabric lengthwise allows me to see them all.  If I set them width-wise, it is hard to see what is in the back without pulling the drawer out of the tower.

Width-wise vs lengthwise plus a yellow anomaly.  Will I redo the white/yellow box?
Probably.  It was the first on my folding spree.
So now  you can see what I do to amuse myself between projects.

Sew a happy seam this week.  I wish you an organizing opportunity.


  1. I too fold mine similar to that method. But mine stack on shelves in a closet. It is actually quite fun to fondle, fold and organize isn't it!

    1. You nailed it. I am rather enjoying the process.

  2. If you need more entertainment between projects Mardi, come on over! I have all kinds of fabric you can fold! LOL Seriously, I really need to straighten up my sewing room a bit. It's beginning to get a bit out of control...

    1. I'll bet we could have a really good time!! It is so mind numbing that socialization is quite possible!

  3. Great idea for storing fabric - thanks for sharing on Midweek Makers!

  4. Oh I had all mine sorted and in clear boxes. But over time (years) it's slowly getting out of sorts. Oh well, for now it will just have to be a little mixed up as I have another project I want to work on. In the meanwhile you have a good plan with the drawer or two at a time. It's looking very nice.

    1. I am sure it will deteriorate in time, but right now it is the right thing to do and I am pleased with the results.

  5. You and I are kindred spirits! Thank you for sharing your idea!

  6. Yep, the creative zone is messy messy messy, but I actually enjoy putting it all away again. Folding is soothing and so tactile, a chance to enjoy the fabric that might linger for years before it gets sewn. Your idea to make each piece fit the drawer so you can see them all from the front is very smart!

    1. I am pleased so far. I hope I can keep it that way. I'll have MAKE myself do it!!!


Bagged the Bag

My first attempt at a picnic bag was a fail.  You saw the pictures last week.  I kept revising the design.  I clipped where I shouldn't ...